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Get every single training plan I've followed for training for Sealfit Kokoro and now as I train for GORUCK Selection. Plans include:


  1. 8 month training plan for Kokoro with guides, basic nutrition, and trackers for strength, mobility, distance, work capacity, and more. 
  2. Hard beach workouts
  3. Basic 7 day plan for anyone to follow, scaling in intensity across weight lifting, work capacity, and stamina
  4. GORUCK Selection training for strength
  5. Grocery list
  6. Long, miserble, "Pain Train" workouts to build mental toughness
  7. PST training blocks


Easy to print, journal, and track in. Simple, straightforward, no nonsense. I genuinely did all of these, and you can too. 

Every Training Plan

$45.00 Regular Price
$30.00Sale Price
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